


So what do I think about the movies coming out this week? Let's see! It's time for Pre-Emptive Strike Thursdays!


Title: Hellboy II.

Pre-Thoughts: Obviously the big movie of the week. I enjoyed the first Hellboy, though it could have been better. I'm suspecting that the sequel is going to be similar. I love Guillermo del Toro, though. He's one of the great directors of today with a great vision for his films. The movie is obviously going to look great. And I like the fact that the creatures are all people in suits instead of CGI, including all the ones my homeboy Doug Jones portrays. And this time, Mr. Jones actually gets to do the voice of Abe Sapien! Anyway, this looks like it'll be more action than the first, but the trailer doesn't give much on story, so I'm kind of iffy on that aspect. Either way, I still think it'll be pretty cool. And it has been getting some good reviews, but I'm trying to keep my expectations for this to a middle-point. That's the safest bet, I think.

I Am McLovin!

Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Well, my mom really wants to see it... but I'm not incredibly hyped about it. I mean, it looks fun, and it seems like it would be even more fun in the 3-D theaters (which isn't the one here). But it's heavily reliant on CGI and looks to be almost too child-friendly for my tastes. Though, Brenden Frasier is always cool, so I'm not sure. I'm kinda blah on this one.

Stop Saying Okay! Okay.

Meet Dave.


She's Gone From Suck to Blow!


  1. Yup, yup, and yup.

    I was wondering that about Abe Sapien. I was on the IMDb page and didn't see David Hyde Pierce's name listed for a vocal credit. Good for Jones, but seems a weird change to make.

  2. I read in an interview where they wanted Doug Jones to do the voice in the first movie, but the studio wanted a bigger name, so they gave it to David Hyde Pierce. Even Pierce was against the decision, though, so he attempted to emulate his voice as much as possible to make it sound like Doug Jones in the first movie.

    However, there was a studio switch for the second movie, so there were different producers in charge. They gave Guillermo more reign and allowed Doug Jones to do the voice. Pierce was more than willing to go along with the decision.

  3. Good stuff. Kudos to Pierce for being a stand-up guy, too. I just read a story about Jones in the paper and it went over all that stuff, too. Did you know he was "Mac Tonight" in the McDonalds commercials from the 80s? Awww, nevermind - you might be too young to have even seen them...

  4. lol, well... I was born in 86, but... I don't remember "Mac Tonight," sorry :P .


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