

My Current Top 50.

So Fletch over at Blog Cabins posted his Top 50 favorite films and challenged other movie blogs to do the same. So here we are. It's always difficult for me to create a Top List of my favorite films, mostly because it changes all the freakin time (either because I find a new great movie or my mood changes and I find I like one movie more than another at that current time). So anyway, I'm going to now attempt to list my CURRENT Top 50, which could probably change anytime in the near future, but here you go. I tend to call my favorite films those that I can re-watch over and over without getting tired of them, not necessarily films that are cinematic genius or classics. I might still really really like those films, but I don't watch them all the time, which is why they don't make the list (though there are a few on this list that I don't watch all the time, but I do believe are so amazing they have to be on the list... just to be contradictory).

By the way, these are not in numerical order from most favorite to least favorite. They're just the films in my Top 50 (getting a Top 50 was hard enough... I'm not gonna put them in order. In fact, they're going to be in alphabetical order instead). Anywho, here it is:


12 Angry Men (either version)

12 Monkeys

28 Days Later...

28 Weeks Later...


Bang Bang You're Dead

Big Fish

Billy Madison

Chasing Amy

Clerks II.




Dog Day Afternoon




Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Hot Fuzz

Inside Man

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Little Shop of Horrors (1986 musical)


Moulin Rouge

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie

Napoleon Dynamite

Office Space


Pan's Labyrinth
Pitch Black



Shaun of the Dead


Stranger Than Fiction
The Big Lebowski

The Faculty
The Fifth Element

The Last Samurai

The New Guy

The Princess Bride

The Rundown

The Truman Show

Tremors 2

V For Vendetta
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


  1. I'm a bit surprised at how many we share. Many of the ones you have but I don't (Nap Dynamite, V for Vendetta, etc.) would/will be in my "Next 50"). But...Clerks II? Really? That shit was an abomination, paling in comparison to the first by so much it's not funny. To each his own, I suppose.

  2. Fletch: The first Clerks is a better movie, I agree. Much more sophisticated and whatnot. However, I still really enjoy the sequel for whatever reason and am more likely to pop that one in the DVD player than I am the first.

  3. I was convinced that "Tremors 2" would never show up on someone's top 250, much less 50. I'm speechless, haha. It's a guilty pleasure for sure but man... that caught me off guard

  4. whoa... Cube. I can respect that.

    Tremors 2? Clerks 2? EUROTRIP!!!???

    Mmmmmm.... Leon. Tremors. 12 Monkeys.

    watch... Crimson Rivers.

  5. Love it when people take the time to compile Favorite Movie lists! I did my Top 100 earlier this year and it kicked my ass! Only about 3-4 of your Top 50 made my Top 100 (I think they were Moulin Rouge, The Princess Bride, Stranger Than Fiction and Chasing Amy), but I still love lots of the others, like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, V for Vendetta, Shaun of the Dead, Dogma, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and Pan's Labyrinth.

    I couldn't choose just one Harry Potter for my list so I cheated and counted the series as one entry, though if forced, I would pick Order of the Phoenix as well.

    Plus, bonus for one of my guilty pleasure favs "The Faculty."

  6. I'm quite surprised to see Oldboy in your list. Not many have seen that Asian film, Korean to be exact.
    I also love that movie. The twist in the end is so horrifying.

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