


Holy crap. A Pre-Emptive Strike Thursday? I know what you're saying to yourself: "Thou hast not giveneth one of these since... well, by God! October of year last!" And I reply to thee: "Hai! But thou shalt have one post-haste!" ...or now, really.


Title: My Bloody Valentine 3-D.

Pre-Thoughts: The movie looks like crap and in no way scary, but it's the first 3-D horror film since like... the early 90s? And it's actually coming to my town... in 3-D. Hell, I don't even think Spy Kids 3-D came to my town in 3-D. So this is pretty big. I might have to check it out just for that.

Feed Me, Seymour!

Title: Notorious.

Pre-Thoughts: A movie about infamous rapper Notorious "Biggie Smalls" B.I.G. (or is is Biggie "Notiorious B.I.G." Smalls? Who the hell knows). Anyway, I think it's funny that it's a movie about the relationship between Biggie, Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs, and Tupac... and it's actually being produced by Sean Combs. And Sean Combs is not playing himself. What I find even more interesting is that everybody knows Biggie for his relationship with Tupac and the whole murder thing... yet the trailers, as far as I'm aware, don't even show Tupac. Or if they do, they don't mention him by name. Anywho, I'm probably gonna skip this one.

Stop Saying Okay! Okay.

Title: Defiance.

Pre-Thoughts: Oh goodie. Another WWII movie. This time with James Bond. In a forest. (Just to note, it doesn't look bad. I just have no incredible urge to go out and see it right away).

I Am McLovin!

Title: Paul Blart: Mall Cop.

Pre-Thoughts: Kevin James. Funny guy. Paul Blart. Stupid name. Mall Cop... seriously? A movie about a mall cop? I couldn't figure out the tone from the trailers, either. Was it supposed to be a slapstick comedy? Or was it supposed to be some kind of action thriller with comedy thrown in? To me, the tone looks something along the lines of Home Alone 3 (or was it 4?). Either way, that's not a good thing.

Stop Saying Okay! Okay.

Title: Hotel For Dogs.

Pre-Thoughts: Another movie that couldn't find its tone in the trailer. It starts out as some kind of mystery. Maybe even horror. And then the dogs show up, and it gets all cutesy. Then they build machines that take care of the dogs. This movie has 'mess' written all over it.

The Zed Word


  1. I think they all look pretty stupid. Hollywood really needs some young writers to bring in some awesome fantasy. Actually, I guess the world would have to enjoy fantasy first.

    Our planet sucks.

  2. Kori: haha, yeah. Fantasy is almost always made pretty crappily. Notable exceptions are, of course, the Harry Potter series and the live-action LOTRs films.

    Otherwise, we end up with stuff like The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising. Or Eragon.

  3. I'm with Kori. No interest in any of 'em, though I wouldn't say that I think Defiance looks bad - I'm just WWII'd out (as it sounds like you are, too, Nick).


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