

New: NEW MOON Review + Personal Update.

I posted a REVIEW of NEW MOON in the MOVIES section.

Also, I just felt like updating everybody, since I've been absent a bit. This past Wednesday, I left to Austin for a teacher conference that lasted until Friday. Unfortunately, Tuesday night, my laptop decided to stop functioning properly. So I spent the entirety of the trip (when I wasn't in the conference) trying to find the issue and fix it. Needless to say, I couldn't really watch movies or read blogs or make posts of my own. Then, yesterday (Saturday the 21st), I moved into my own place. Still have some boxes to unpack, but I'm almost there. Anywho, I'll keep this short. I ended up figuring out the issues and fixing my laptop, so now I'm able to get stuff posted up once again, as well as view all of your blogs out there in the blog-o-sphere. So yeah, that's about it. Y'all enjoy the review.


  1. How's the new apartment? Enjoying being on your own? I would hope that you're loving it.

  2. New apartment is good. It took a while to get used to being alone, but I'm getting over that as the days go by. And it was especially nice to be able to do a podcast without worrying that my parents thought I was talking to myself :P .

  3. Yea, I'm guessing that with the type of work you're in, you'll likely enjoy the time alone more than someone who might work by themselves or only with a few others.



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