

Podcast: The Demented Encyclopedia #5 - The One Where Travis Is A D-Bag.

I know I just posted my "Desert Island DVDs" list, but it's podcast time! It's our fifth episode, and we're here to do our Top 5 favorite movies and Top 5 favorite actors/actresses.

We start off with Plugs where I plug this blog's newest event, "My Life in Film." Travis plugs a friend's movie that just came out.

Then we get into our Top 5 lists, and we'll probably get hated on by classic film lovers. We almost miss the D-Bag, but rewind slightly to go into quite an interactive rendition.

Then we head into Reality Round-Up where we briefly discuss Survivor before heading into American Idol.

This week on Recommend A..., Travis recommends the strangest musical entity ever, while I recommend a little known movie that everybody needs to see, one which I reviewed on this blog in its early days.

This leads into the Monologue/Dialogue/Mono-Dialogue of the Week, where I read an overly dramatic scene from the film Bang Bang You're Dead. The scene can actually be seen in its entirety by clicking here (the music has actually been altered in this video, which is kinda annoying, but just disregard it). The mood then shifts by Travis reading a comical scene from Shaun of the Dead.

EDIT: The following player isn't currently updated. I'll remove this notice whenever it decides to show up... I don't know what the deal is, but if it doesn't say "Episode 5," that's not what you're listening to. But you can always find us on iTunes, as well.

Thanks goes out to Kevin MacLeod's Imcompetech Website for the music. As always, you can use the player above to listen to the podcast, or you can search iTunes, where we are also available for download. Also, please become a Fan on Facebook... then you can give us your input for the podcast and will probably end up on the show during the D-Bag segment. But as for now... enjoy!

And that's it for this week!

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