

Podcast: The Demented Encyclopedia #6 - The One Where Jason Likes Tits.

Another weekend, another episode of The Demented Encyclopedia. This episode brings us our second guest host, this time in the form of Jason Soto from Invasion of the B-Movies. This week we discuss our top 5 movies that most people love, but we can't stand and/or hate. And yes, we're aware that most people are going to kill us in many creative ways by the end of the podcast.

From the main topic we turn to a relatively quick segment of Reality Round-Up before heading into "Recommend A..." Jason recommends a good book about bad movies, Travis offers up some music and a video game, and I pimp out Gamers: Dorkness Rising.

Finally, we wrap up the show with what is probably the greatest session of the Monologues of the Week this side of Christopher Walken. Travis takes on There Will Be Blood (you know which scene). I go a little crazy myself with American Psycho. Jason finishes it off with a speech from a movie riffed in Mystery Science Theater 3000.

And this is also the most bizarre episode we've had behind the scenes, as well. Never before have we had so many issues. We started off rough with me forgetting to hit the record button. Then I get 2 different and unnecessary phone calls during the podcast that interrupted us. Travis gets a knock at his door... and at the very end, he gets disconnected completely about halfway through Jason's speech. But we made it through, and I was able to edit it together pretty well so you can't really tell (except maybe the audio difference at the very, very end). But the best part? I tagged a little extra bit onto the end of the show, after the closing music, so stay tuned!

Warning: This episode contains quite a bit more explicit language than usual.

Thanks goes out to Kevin MacLeod's Imcompetech Website for the music. As always, you can use the player above to listen to the podcast, or you can search iTunes, where we are also available for download. Also, please become a Fan on Facebook... then you can give us your input for the podcast and will probably end up on the show during the D-Bag segment. But as for now... enjoy!

And that's it for this week!

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