

Podcast: The Demented Encyclopedia #7 - The One With Yet Another List.

Yeah, we know, another Top List. We swear this one will be the last one for a while. But this time, we're out to give our Top 10 Guilty Pleasure movies.

After a couple brief plugs from Travis, including his upcoming interview with Dr. Uwe Boll, we move right along to the lists, counting down our Top 10 favorite guilty pleasure movies. Some we are in agreement on. Others... not so much. But hey, they wouldn't be guilty pleasures otherwise, right? The D-Bag this week was incredibly generous, as well, giving us plenty to read.

Then we go into Reality Round-Up, where we actually talk about Survivor for more than 10 seconds (shocker). And then, of course, the American Idol talk ending with the power rankings.

For "Recommend A..." I recommend an apocalyptic survival guide that is not written by Max Brooks entitled "Apocalypse How," while Travis recommends both the movie and comic versions of The Losers.

To wrap everything up, Travis gives his Mono-Dia-Logue as Nic Cage from The Wicker Man, while I might actually seem to finally one-up him this week with... yeah, it's a surprise.

And that's it for this week! And stay tuned after the closing music for a bit of extra humor (Note: There was actually more discussion between my initial question and the countdown, but it was removed for boringness sake).

Thanks goes out to Kevin MacLeod's Imcompetech Website for the music. As always, you can use the player above to listen to the podcast, or you can search iTunes, where we are also available for download. Also, please become a Fan on Facebook... then you can give us your input for the podcast and will probably end up on the show during the D-Bag segment. But as for now... enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Great episode.

    The Uwe Boll interview is up the little bit at the end


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