

Idol Chatter: The Live Blog #13: The Top 3 (Personal/Judges Picks).

[I wanted to do this last season, but I got the idea a few episodes too late. I do admit, I watch American Idol. I really didn't start until a couple years ago, though (my mom was a much bigger fan). Similar in style to the Live Survivor Blog over at Blog Cabins, Idol Chatter (pun and all) will be a play by play of the episodes and what I think of what's happening. For those that don't know, just continually refresh this page to get new updates as the show goes on.]

Well, we're down to the Top 3, and it's a pretty pointless week. We all know Casey is going home tomorrow. Though... I wonder what they're doing tonight? I don't think they said last week. I wonder if it's Producers/Judges picks. Shouldn't that be coming up soon?

7:00: Ryan: "This... is the fight for the finale. And this..." Contestants: "Is American Idol!" Hey. A differentiation.

7:03: Hey, I was right! One song chosen by them, one song chosen by the Judges. Casey is singing... crap, I missed it. Give me a moment. Oh, it's "OK, It's Alright With Me" by Eric Hutchinson.

7:04: He has a very Rob Thomas feel here. Nothing overly impressive here, but it's a fun song. Hopefully the judges chose a bigger song for him.

7:05: Randy: "The funny thing about that lyric... That song was just kinda alright with me, too." He says you can't do that kind of safe song at this point. Ellen stumbles over her words, but agrees with Randy. Kara didn't think the song worked in his favor. Simon thinks he's lucky to have two song choices and compares it to the salad of a dinner, as he hopes there's something better to come. He said it was a dud song choice, though he did sound good.

7:11: We're back, and Crystal's up! She's singing "Come to My Window" by Melissa Etheridge. She has a harmonica rigging on her... and an acoustic guitar. Should be fun.

7:12: The thing I love about Crystal is that I can't see how American Idol could pop-ify her. They managed to turn even heavy rockers into more pop-rock (like David Cook or Daughtrey). But with her voice and style alone, I just can't see them messing her up. Anyway, it was good.

7:14: Randy didn't like the arrangement, but he liked her vocals. Ellen really liked it. Kara agrees. Simon agrees. Yup.

7:21: Lee's up! And I believe he'll be doing some Lynyrd Skynyrd. Which song? "Simple Man."

7:22: The song's just starting, and I have to say... sorry, Crystal... despite your incredible uniqueness and great voice, I think I've officially shifted my vote to Lee for the win. Still, you know you'll get a contract, and I'll still listen to your album (And I'm talking to her like she's reading this...). Anyway, this is really good.

7:24: Randy says it's a brilliant song choice, and he did a great job. And he sees that Lee believes he can win this. Ellen agrees. Kara agrees. She says "Round 1 goes to Lee." I agree with that, too. Simon thought the other performances have been OK, but that one was "absolutely on the money." And he didn't just win round one, he crushed the others.

7:31: Time for some judges choices! Kara and Randy chose for Casey, and now we get to see the videos of them back home (partially, anyway). Casey's home in Texas. He's singing "Daughters" by John Mayer. Yeah... don't care too much for John Mayer, but mostly for his voice, so I might go with it. Let's see...

7:32: It's alright so far. Again, nothing spectacular. A couple vocal issues. It was OK. I actually think I liked Casey's choice better.

7:34: Of course Randy thought this fit him. HE CHOSE THE SONG. Ellen agrees with Randy. As does Kara. Simon's laughing crazy about something. Simon thought it was much better than the first one, but thought it was a lazy arrangement. But he thought he sounded very good on it... despite not having the "Wow" factor.

7:41: And we're back. Get to take a look at Ohio with Crystal, where we also get to hear what Ellen chose for her. She's singing "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Paul McCartney. Let's see...

7:43: This is really good. Let's change that to "great." I actually this was a better song choice than what Randy and Kara chose. Or maybe it's just Crystal. Great stuff right there. Good job Ellen and Crystal!

7:44: Randy: "We got somebody else in it to win it!" Ellen loved it. Kara thought she took some great risks, and it paid off. Simon said he was kinda surprised when he heard the song choice, but now he gets it. He thought it was terrific. I concur.

7:51: Simon chose "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen... which I believe has already been sung this season (by Tim), but alright. Let's see! And I'm sure Simon is gonna say it was a great song choice by the end of it :P .

7:52: Wow... this is already better than Tim's rendition (which doesn't say much... though that was a really good one). Amazing. Simply amazing.

7:54: Randy says Lee just threw down the real gauntlet. Unbelievable. Ellen: "Stunning. Just... stunning." Kara: "Lee, you are what this show is all about." She said he just owned the entire night. And, of course, Simon had nothing but good things to say.

7:57: The Recap. Casey was OK and... OK. Crystal was OK and... great. Lee was great and... epically great.

Final Thoughts: Lee was brilliant tonight. Now he just has to do that again next week, and he has this in the bag. Who would have thought 12 weeks ago that Lee DeWyze was pretty much gonna win the whole thing? Casey's gone tomorrow... no real pondering about it. See y'all then.

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