

TV Meme: Day 16 - My Guilty Pleasure Show.

This is one of my deep, dark TV secrets. It's Day 16, and I have to discuss my guilty pleasure show. Granted, it was rough choosing a show for this day, because both the shows that crossed my mind for today I haven't watched in quite some time. I'm going with my first choice, because I doubt I'll be watching my second choice again anytime soon--mostly because it comes on earlier in the morning during the week, and my schedule doesn't allow for that. That show being The People's Court.

But the show I'm going to talk about today is truly a guilty pleasure show... for somebody my age or really anybody in general. And that show is... (deep breath)... iCarly. That's right, iCarly. Again, I haven't watched it in quite some time, and thanks to Netflix Instant Streaming, I'll probably never be bored enough to watch it again. But there was a time in my life, not that long ago, when I'd flip through the TV looking for something to watch, not find anything, and then see a new episode of iCarly.

For those of you who don't know what this show is about, it's about a teenage girl named Carly (played by Miranda Cosgrove) and her best friends Sam (a tomboy) and Freddie (a dork who has a major crush on Carly). Carly lives with her older brother, a goofy artist named Spencer, in a pretty nice apartment. And one day, Carly, Sam, and Freddie decide to start up a web show entitled, you guessed it, iCarly.

The web show sequences themselves are completely stupid, childish, and the pinnacle of uninteresting. But there are other aspects of the show that always grabbed my attention. Spencer is like a poor man's Eric Matthews in the sense that he's an over-the-top goofball with the occasional serious moment, but oftentimes the writers try way too hard to make him funny. Still, he's entertaining. I'm also a sucker for relationships, and no, I'm not actually interested in Carly/Freddie. I actually like the pairing of Freddie and Sam, who hate each other. There are actually a couple episodes that I've seen that play at a relationship between them, which are always cute. In fact, Carly is probably the least interesting character on the show. Though she is essentially playing the "straight girl" amidst a cast of wacky characters.

Anywho, I think I've talked enough about this embarrassment. So... yeah.


  1. OK. Can't make fun of you for this one. As I was planning out my 30 days and I hit this spot I seriously considered using Drake & Josh (which Miranda Cosgrove started on).

    I used another show, however, but still I can see the appeal - even though I have never seen an episode of iCarly, I am sure it is somewhere along the lines of Drake & Josh.

  2. OMG! i watch it too! and i also watch everything on disny channel. which is sad. i don't even really like any of the shows, but i can't stop watching them!

  3. Actually, I'd put Drake and Josh a few notches above iCarly. At least it had the "Kenan and Kel" appeal to it.

    mily: Hey! Always glad to see a new face around here. Welcome.


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