

Podcast: The Demented Encyclopedia #15 - The One Where Travis Has A Sex Change (Or Not).

I know we've said it many times before, but this is actually a very special episode. For the first time, Travis is absent from the podcast; and, for the first time, we have a returning guest--Rachel from Rachel's Reel Reviews.

In this fun little episode, Rachel and I discuss the Twilight "Saga" (books and movies), going character by character. But first, Rachel plugs her own podcast, Reel Insight, which she co-hosts with Jess from Insight into Entertainment (Personal Note: It's a great podcast. Definitely check it out... after this one, of course).

After the main discussion and a bit of D-Bag, Rachel and I lie through our teeth to give you a compelling Film vs. Film where we battle two of the best Harry Potter films (for our actual thoughts, stay tuned after the closing theme).

And then we wrap things up with our Mono-Dialogues of the Week (and in my case, we do mean "mono"(tone)).

Thanks goes out to Kevin MacLeod's Imcompetech Website for the music. As always, you can use the player above to listen to the podcast, or you can search iTunes, where we are also available for download. The earlier episodes are being removed from the player for space, but you can still always download them on iTunes. Also, please become a Fan on Facebook... then you can give us your input for the podcast and will probably end up on the show during the D-Bag segment, as well as vote for which film in Film vs. Film won for the week. But as for now... enjoy!


  1. Yay!!! I was hoping you'd publish this before I left on my trip tomorrow. Rachel and I were trying not too talk too much Eclipse beforehand to save it for this. Also, I just finished Breaking Dawn yesterday, so I'm totally hyped for the discussion. And I LOVE Harry Potter too. I've probably ready HBP 20 times.

  2. Jess: Heck yeah. Can't wait to hear what you have to say about Breaking Dawn (and its suckiness).

    Yes! I've read HBP more than any of the others, as well. We're totally soulmates.

    (Or not.)

  3. I'm all for being Harry Potter Soulmates. TDE is downloading now! Rachel sent me this description of breaking dawn. It's hysterical.

  4. Haha, yeah, I've seen that. It's hilarious.


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