

R2D2... The One Where I Ask For Suggestions.

My posting around here has been relatively uneven as of late. It seems I've gotten to a point where I only post maybe once or twice a week. And this has been while I'm not working.

However, the school year is starting back up and teaching is knocking at the door. I'm afraid that I'll get lazier and post even fewer things. I think it might help if I had more of a daily routine. So what I'm gonna do here is list a bunch of things and ask you what you'd like to see more of around here. I'm not gonna bother listing the "Vlog," because that's already going into the schedule, and I'm only doing one of those a week. So here we go...

- Theatrical Reviews: Of course, this would make me have to go to the theater more often than I already am. Sometimes I skip a week or two, depending.

- New-to-DVD Reviews: Assuming I missed it in theater, I'll catch it here.

- Older Movie Reviews: By older, I mean older than the current time... so despite the implications of the following statement based on the fact it's when I grew up: 90s movies and older.

- Classic Movie Reviews: This would force me to watch at least one classic movie a week. Though at least it would culture me more.

- Top 5/10 lists: I've been doing these a bit frequently lately, it seems. And I have another one in the queue, waiting to be finished. But do you want more?

- Articles: Just my thoughts on certain subjects. If you look in "The Closet" section of this blog, at least half the stuff in there would qualify under this.

- TV Reviews: I actually watch more TV than I review. I don't mean going back to Idol Chatter or anything like that. Rather, just regular reviews of TV show seasons as I've done in the past.

- Link Love: Do you want me to share what I've found on other blogs that I've enjoyed? I know quite a few other blogs I frequent have started doing this, as well.

- Open to suggestions: Really... if you have an idea of something you'd like to see that I didn't list here, tell me in the comments!

Anyway, I've kinda tried this in the past (a long time ago), and that faded away. But I'm hoping to change that a bit. I've also asked this kinda thing in the past, and didn't get too large of a response. Come on guys, I know I have at least 18 followers (according to blogger), so leave me some comments! What do you wanna see more of around here?


  1. I'll say the list, older and classic reviews, and articles would be neat to see from you. You seem to do theatrical release reviews anyway when you do see one so there's probably no point in adding that.

    Link love would be neat but I know you don't read my site (if your Vlog is any indication) :P kidding, kidding.

  2. I'd say lists and articles for sure, and throw some t.v. in there too. I must warn you against Link Love: you might think it's easy to just list 5 or 10 links for the week, but it's really not. When I started doing it, I added more blogs to my feed, so I'd have an expanded group to choose from. Then I was reading an average of 250 blog posts a week, which I put off till Friday or Saturday. Then there's also the fear of being too repetitive of whom you link to, though some people come out with awesome articles on a weekly basis. And some weeks are overflowing with great stuff to choose from while other weeks are dry of anything truly great.

    It got to be a little too much. I might be just dropping that one altogther and making Saturday my day of rest. Or switching to once a month, like the last day of the month. I'm not sure yet.

    Is this enough feedback for ya?

  3. Jason: Thanks! And I'm sorry about not including your blog. I realized it after the fact, and then Dylan pointed it out after he watched it, which made me feel worse. I'll make it up to you in the next Vlog.

    Rachel: I figured that about the Link Love. Actually, I was thinking of putting it in the Vlogs just when I find something worth mentioning.

  4. If I'm "programming" R2D2, here's what I'm looking for in a weekly schedule...

    * Theatrical reviews as you see them. No need to schedule them or place rules upon yourself for how many you see.

    * Instead of breaking them up into "New to DVD," "Older" and "Classic," why not just do this...

    We all know you're a chronic Netflix watcher, catching at least 2 movies a day during the summer. I'm sure that'll take a hit during the school year, but you're still bound to watch a bunch. What if you just have one or two "Netflix Review of the Week" segments where you pick 1 or 2 movies you really want to write about. No time restrictions, no need to HAVE to write about them all, just pick a handful. This could cover TV shows, too, if you desired.

    * A weekly Top 5/10 list. Everybody digs those.

    * The Vlog

    * A weekly "Feature" article. This could be a 2-in-1 or a book review or LKMYNTS or something like that Cameron post. Whatever. Rotate if you want.

    That's all I got.

  5. Good stuff, Dylan! That was really helpful. Thanks!

  6. thanks very much am really inspired by the great work you are doing nice movies

  7. thanks for the great work am inspired

  8. thanks for the great work


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