

R2D2... The One With An Apology And New Schedule.

Wow... just... wow. I knew work was gonna swallow me whole when it started back up, but I didn't expect that. There were literally nights when I didn't get home until after 6, had enough time to eat, and then I began working until 11 PM to plan for the next couple days... only to go to bed and wake up and do it all over again.

This has been one hell of a stressful week. I'm even more stressed this first week than I was the first week of my first year. It's insane... but I don't feel like sharing at the moment. Though if y'all really want to hear about my life as a teacher, I suppose I can make a new segment... "Friday Fumes."

Getting to my point, I wanted to apologize for already screwing up my set schedule. I've missed days... tried making some up the following day, but didn't get to all of them. I hardly even have time to think of ideas for articles and stuff, much less write them. That being said, I'm gonna have to modify my weekly schedule to an every-other-day basis.

Sunday Vlog
Top Tuesday
Thursday Thoughts
Saturday Surprise!

Every other day of the week, I'll not promise anything, but I might post movie reviews and whatnot if I have time. Right now my internet connection is wonky and my Netflix Instant Streaming isn't working, so I haven't watched a new movie in... over a week. It's really bothering me, too.

So yeah... just a heads up, guys.

P.S. I'm thinking about a new segment on the Vlog where I answer questions and/or comments. Think along the lines of Ask That Guy or Smosh's Ask Charlie. If you'd like to send in bizarre/strange questions, or just regular questions, send me an email at or leave a message in the comments below. I'll do another reminder with tomorrow's video.

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