

Top 10 Favorite Films Of 2010 Thus Far.

I've been bouncing all around trying to figure out what to do for my Top List today. I even had a dream about it. I think I was talking to Mad Hatter of The Dark of the Matinee (probably because I had just listened to his newest episode of The MatineeCast... double plug), and something he said gave me an idea for a Top 5. However, it dealt with actresses, and the last couple Top Lists I've done have dealt with actors and actresses. So I think I'm just gonna go with my original idea.

Summer is pretty much over, and I'll be starting back to teaching next week (I mean, I'm back to doing prep stuff now, but actual teaching begins next week). So I'm gonna briefly discuss what is currently my Top 10 of the year thus far. I chose Top 10 instead of Top 5 mostly because, if you're a regular reader of my blog, my Top 5 is probably horribly predictable. So here are my Top 10 Favorite Films of 2010 Thus Far. And keep in mind, these are only including films I've actually seen (I haven't seen Winter's Bone, Toy Story 3, Get Him To The Greek, Get Low, The Expendables... or even Hot Tub Time Machine). And, again, these are my favorites, not necessarily what I think are the best (except for maybe the Top 3-5. Definitely the Top 3).

Top 10 Favorite Films of 2010 Thus Far

10. The Crazies

I have a pretty crazy theater story to go along with the first viewing of this movie. If you haven't read my review (or listened to the LAMBcast episode), let's just say I didn't really get to see the whole movie until it came out on DVD. It's not necessarily a scary movie, but it's pretty intense. And Timothy Olyphant does a pretty good job in it, as well.

9. Predators

Saw this one twice in theater. I picked up on more silliness the second time through, but it's still a fun ride regardless. Yeah, it has issues, but it also has a samurai battle against an alien monster. What else could you ask for?

8. Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief

This movie completely boggled my mind. It even inspired a rather lengthy article where I questioned what makes a good film adaptation. This movie is by every definition a terrible adaptation. It nearly destroys the source material. However, it was also pretty damn entertaining and managed to make a good spin on the source material (and in some ways improve it). It has a painful third act (at least for a mythology lover), but the rest of it was really good.

7. Dinner for Schmucks

Not everyone shares my opinion on this one. This movie split people down the middle. There were those that either thought it was just OK, or there were those (like myself) who thought it was hilarious. I suppose that's really all I have to say on it.

6. From Paris With Love

It has an awfully slow first 15 or so minutes before Travolta shows up, but once he does, the movie shifts gears and becomes a non-stop thrill ride with tons of laughs (mostly thanks to Travolta). And it's produced by Luc Besson, and I have a soft spot for almost anything that man touches.

5. The Karate Kid

I didn't expect to like this movie as much as I did. Jaden and Jackie both do really well in their respective roles. The action was good, the comedy was good, and the chemistry between those main two guys was great.

4. Kick-Ass

A movie that unfortunately did not get a lot of theater love. But it has some great character with Chloe Moretz's Hit-Girl being at the forefront. And, of course, it has Nic Cage being crazy, but also mixing in a bit of Adam West and William Shatner. Who can't love that threesome combo?

3. How To Train Your Dragon

This was totally my favorite of the year until the next two came along. Like Kung Fu Panda, I don't think I was expecting much going in, and then I was completely blown away... except I loved this one about five times more than Panda. What a wonderful animated film, and I'm really hoping it wins best animated film next year (at least at this point). Though it does have stiff competition with Toy Story 3, which will almost certainly take the Oscar. Oh well.

2. Inception

Really, there's nothing to say that hasn't already been said. Three times.

1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

This movie is the very definition of "Nerdgasm." I was psyched for it from the first trailer, and then I ended up seeing it twice (so far) in theater. I absolutely adore every aspect of this movie, and it's gonna take a lot for this to leave my number 1 spot.

Note: You know, in making this list... I realized just how crappy of a year we've really had. I struggled to find 10 movies I even really liked, much less loved. 5 was easy, but all 10 was rough. There's been some real bad-to-mediocre movies this year... Granted, had I seen some of those other films I've mentioned, this might have been easier.


  1. Good list, especially given the state of this year! I have a feeling Scott Pilgrim and Inception will both be making my Top 10 come december, and I was also a huge fan of Predators (even more than you I think). I DESPERATELY need to see How To Train Your Dragon

    I gotta ask though...where's Toy Story 3?

  2. Tom: I was a pretty big fan of Predators. I saw it twice in theater, after all.

    As for Toy Story 3... as I said at the beginning of the post, I haven't seen it yet. (Hell, I haven't seen Toy Story 2, yet, either...).

  3. Oooops! Well get on it man, it's awesome!

  4. Well, I haven't seen half your list (Crazies, Paris, Preds, Percy and KK), but I really can't imagine any of them cracking my top 10 list anyway. You never know, though...

    You had me curious, though, what my list would look like. I think it would have these movies, in no special order:

    City Island
    Scott Pilgrim
    Hot Tub Time Machine
    Please Give
    How to Train Your Dragon
    Toy Story 3
    Exit Through the Gift Shop
    Winter's Bone

    That was tough, but not so much because I don't think there weren't enough *good* movies, it's just that there's this cluster (like you, after my top 5 or so) that I liked, but not a whole hell of a lot more than the others.

    And I don't think you've seen 7 of my 10. ;)

  5. Dylan: Give Karate Kid and From Paris With Love a chance. I think you might really like them. The worst thing about Karate Kid is the acting of everybody who isn't Jaden or Jackie (and maybe Jaden's mom, the actress' name escaping me at the moment). The worst thing about Paris is the first 15 or so minutes.

  6. I'd like to see The Karate Kid eventually, but I just have no interest in an overacting Travlota and a lot of shoot 'em up, blow 'em up bang bangery from the psuedo-Besson.

  7. Your top 3 is good, don't particularly care for some of the others on your list.

    The Crazies was okay, but hardly that good, From Paris with Love was pretty bad most of the times, except that Travolta was surprisingly enjoyable in that film and Kick-Ass just never came together for me. Too many rough edges on that film.

    Still, Your top 3 are in my top 10. Great Picks. Scott Pilgrim would be my #1 too if I didn't have some obscure artsy film there already.


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