

Podcast: Film Enigma Game Show.

So, I finally got to participate in Univarn's Film Enigma Game Show Podcast. For those not in the know, Univarn of A Life In Equinox has created a game show podcast that is highly addictive. And I had the honor of participating as a contestant in the latest episode.

Here, I'm up against Brian of Brian's Film Review Blog, and we had quite a time. In this episode, we pulled many firsts... and I come off as a total douche. But there was some good behind-the-scenes stuff to go with this one (including a final round rematch that was pure hilarity, but unfortunately was not recorded... so ask me about it if you're interested).

So without further ado, I'd like to just get to the episode.... enjoy!


  1. Halfway through. Impressed so far, though that first flick couldn't have been easier for you, I think. And you haven't been a douche...yet

  2. Yeah... when it was over, I said something along the lines of feeling bad for Brian, as I kept getting super easy movies and he kept getting impossible stuff.

    Though that does stop, obviously.


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