

The Demented Podcast #13 - Muppets Vs. Toons.

For the show's first return guest for a regular episode, we're introducing a new format. But never fear, it's only for returning guests. First-timers will still get a chance to try out the original format, as well. So on tap for this new format... is the very first guest I had, who tested out the original format first, too! That's right, it's Jess from Insight into Entertainment.

The new format entails the guest choosing a movie and me choosing a movie and discussing both. Jess chose The Muppets Take Manhattan, while I chose Who Framed Roger Rabbit? After a short discussion on both, we get into a new segment entitled Versus, where we have an interesting discussion on who would win in an epic battle to the death. This week? Muppets Vs. Toons. We, of course, have our own thoughts. But after you listen, make sure to leave us your own on who you think would win (among all your other thoughts, too, of course).

Then we wrap up the show with The Tower. After losing in the first round of the Battle Royale, Jess is determined to redeem herself. But does she do it? Listen and find out!

Current Tower Leaderboard
1) Jason - 126 Points
2) Nick - 104 Points
Nolahn - Incomplete

Current Battle Royale Champion
Rachel Thuro - 171 Points

You can listen to this episode on the player below or by subscribing through iTunes.

That being said, enjoy! Thanks goes out to Kevin MacLeod's Incompetech website for great, royalty-free music. And thanks to Google for helping me find a website that will give me free video game audio samples.

1 comment:

  1. How dare you speak of Z who will not be named!

    I like the new discussion format for returning guests. I need to catch up with both these titles.


    That is all.


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