

Musical Monday: Glee - Bohemian Rhapsody (#28).

[Every Monday, I'm going to be counting down my 52 favorite musical numbers from musical movies and TV shows. I might not like the full movie/show, but the number makes the list for various reasons: 1) I have to like the song, 2) the visual of how the number is performed is most likely unique or fun, 3) both song and visual mixes well to create an exciting or powerful number. So let's get to the next on the list.]

About halfway through the first season of Glee, I started highly anticipating this song. It's one of my favorite songs, and it's perfect for the theatrics of the show. Though I did always wonder how they were going to tie it in with the story. Well, they did it perfectly, juxtaposing Vocal Adrenaline's number with the birth of Quinn's baby (even adding some symbolism to the choreography of the performance). Because of this, it remains one of my favorite numbers (at least aesthetically) on the show. This is Glee's rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody" (and I apologize for the low quality of the video--it was hard to find a video that wasn't just audio):

1 comment:

  1. They didn't completely butcher it. The lead singer was actually pretty good.

    Good post Nick!


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