

The Vlog - S3.2: Casting Call (Part 2).

And here's Episode 2, which is really just Part 2 of the Season Premier.

In this episode, you'll get to meet a few more of the major players this season. I know it's a long episode, but as you should know by now, the premier and finale episodes always tend to be longer. Plus, it's really funny!

As a little behind-the-scenes fun, I didn't give any of these 4 gentlemen a script or much direction at all for this episode. I gave them the 3 questions and basically said "You're auditioning for The Vlog. You can be any type of character you want (with 1 exception, since he was a returning character shifting roles, so he needed to keep his same personality and history). Improv your responses to these 3 questions." In other words, I really can't take any writing credit for this episode, since practically all of it was from the minds of my wonderful actors. Let's give it up to them!

Also, this episode gives me some of my first extra footage, which you'll get to see at the end of the season in a bloopers/deleted/extended/alternate scenes video that I'll post up.

But for now, let's focus on this vid. If you can't remember all the way back to last week, Nick is basically starting from scratch (almost) on The Vlog. A dog puppet named Wrinkles shows up and offers to be his roommate and gives a suggestion to help with The Vlog called Story Time. But it needs actors, so Nick put out a casting call on the internet. At the end of the episode, Jason Soto stumbles upon the casting call and decides to audition himself, but most likely in disguise. And that leads us to this week's episode... enjoy!


  1. I've run out of adjectives. Let's just say I can't wait to hear what people think. Amazing acting all around and funny as shit.

  2. Great performances all around, including that Jacque guy. He was easily the best.

    Dylan, I can totally see us opening a shady law firm where we chase ambulances all day. Look out, Franklin and Bash!

  3. Ok, for real now...

    That was great. Dylan singing? What's not to like.

    Now all that remains is to see who we get paired with... hmmm??

  4. I have Soto and Fields as my ringtone.

  5. @ Kano - HA! I'd love to hear that. But what I'd love to hear even more would be the explanation you would give people after they ask you what the hell that is.

    @ Jason - Just so long as I get to be Zack Morris and you be Breckin Meyer.

    @ Seb - Paired with? You must know something I don't...

  6. Dylan: Yup. And Sebastian means who the other person/people in his scene(s) are.

    Kano: LOL.

  7. Simon: lol... yeah, I bet you're regretting skipping out on this season, huh?! :P


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