

The Knobbies #2 - Winners!

It's time for the results! This is it, ladies and gentlemen. Only 7 people voted (which is actually less than the amount of people who actually participated in The Vlog this season... strangely enough). But those 7 have spoken... in most of the categories (some didn't participate in all of them). And here is what they had to say.

NOTE: Please read the following winners before watching the video! Some of them are referenced within the clip.

Favorite Impression From Nick

In a tie for Second Place... Bill Clinton and Sean Connery. However, we also have a tie for First! The Winners are...

Heath Ledger's Joker and Elmo!


Favorite Non-Story Time Episode (Excluding the Finale)

We all know Story Times were the favorites this year, but what was your absolute favorite Non-Story Time Episode... not including the finale? With only 6 voters, we have a 2-way tie for Second Place between Episodes 6 and 10. But The Winner Is...

Episode 2: Casting Call - Part 2 (Of course, the only Non-Story Time episode focused on the Story Time actors).


Favorite Story Time Episode

This was a tight race. There were 7 voters and a 2-way tie for Second Place between #2 (Kai) and #4 (Jess' Version). But The Winner... by 1 vote... is...

Story Time #5 - Cokie & Wrinkles!


Least Favorite Season 3 Episode

Only 6 voters this time around... ending in a 3-way tie for First Place. It seems there was equal dislike for Episode 1 (Casting Call Part 1), Episode 4 (A Minor Setback), and Episode 10 (A Change of Focus). The last is particularly interesting since it came in second place for favorite Non-Story Time episode (not to mention I like that one quite a bit myself...).


The Best Part of Story Times #3 and 4?

There's a 3-way tie for First...

Sebastian's Over-acting, Tom's scarves, and the "I, [age] [name]" lines.


The Best Part of Story Time #5?

While one person really adored the Meta-Quality of the episode... most gave their vote to James as The Narrator for an overwhelming win. Congrats, James!


The Best Part of The Finale?

This was one of the biggest surprises for me. In Second Place...

The Hotel Fight.

That's right. The big 3-way face-off was only second place! So what could have possibly taken the top spot?

Kai's Declaration of Vengeance. That's right, Kai! You're just awesome like that!


Least Favorite Season 3 Character (Human)

In Second Place... Jess and Barry (Tom)

And we have a tie for First! And The Winners(?) are...

Jason and Sebastian*!


Least Favorite Season 3 Character (Non-Human)

There's another 3-way tie for Second Place, belonging to Wrinkles, Sheep, and Nigel. However, we truly do have some winners here. Why? Because with an overwhelming 4 votes...

You just love them all!


Favorite Cliffhanger

Of course, the only cliffhangers voted on were in the finale.

In Third Place.. Who's At Nick's Door?
In Second Place... What Happened to Rachel and Jess?
And The Winner Is...

Kai's Ending!


What Do You Think Happened To Rachel And/Or Jess?

Most of you (3) believe they are both in critical condition. However, the other 3 of you believe that either Rachel died (Jess won), They both died, or Neither died and Rachel is in critical condition. We'll see if y'all are right or wrong next season!


Who Do You Think Was At Nick's Door At The End Of The Season Finale?

With a tie, most (2 each) believe it was either Kai or Other (out of curiosity, those who voted Other... any thoughts?). The only other votes went to Cokie and Rachel. We'll see!


Who Do You Want To See More Of In Season 4?

No real winners or losers in this category. But with a massive 6 (of a possible 6) votes, Kai received the most votes. Never fear, dear watchers! You'll get plenty of Kai next season... considering he's the main villain for the season.

Otherwise, Sebastian and Barry/Tom both received 4 votes. Jason, Rachel, Jess, Dylan, and Sheep received 3 votes. And poor Cokie only received 2 votes (you ain't getting rid of him that easily, though!)


What Was Your Favorite Moment This Season?

With only 2 people writing in, these were the responses I received:

-James as The Narrator
-Dylan singing!


What Was Your Least Favorite Moment This Season?

With only 3 people writing in, these were the responses I received:

-The Non-Story Time stuff (...thanks? :P )
-Wrinkles' accent (indeed)
-When it ended. :) (aww!)


And here are the rest of the categories! Enjoy!


  1. Wait, how the fuck does that happen? How do I get least favorite and favorite? What is up with the universe?

    Notice, I'm just curious. I'm not complaining.

  2. Nice show guys. I wouldn't mind contributing either video or narration.

  3. I'd like to thank Cokie for inspiring me to be a better person, Sheep for telling me to never give up on my dreams, Barry for reminding me of the importance of being familiar with many cultures, and Wrinkles for getting me drunk that one night.

    Fun season as usual.

  4. Sebgutz: I thought that was crazy myself.

    Duke: Thanks! I already pretty much have Season 4 planned, but if I find a spot for you, I'll let you know!

    Dylan: Indeed.


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