

The Demented Podcast #25 - We Like To Go That Extra .1%.

This week, Steve and I are joined by Alan of The Great Movie Project to discuss animated films The Iron Giant and Spirited Away. As usual, we get some interesting discussions before moving on to The Tower. Before even starting, Alan declared himself essentially Dan's antithesis. But is he? Listen to find out!

Current Tower Leaderboard
1) Dan - 164 Points
2) Steve - 133 Points
3) Tom - 105 Points
4) Scott - 97 Points

Current/Previous Battle Royale Champions
(BR2) Dylan Fields - 114 Points
(BR1) Rachel Thuro - 171 Points

You can listen to this episode on the player below or by subscribing through iTunes.

That being said, enjoy! Thanks goes out to Kevin MacLeod's Incompetech website for great, royalty-free music. And thanks to Google for helping me find a website that will give me free video game audio samples.

1 comment:

  1. So yeah, that Alan guy really hogged up all the suck during the Tower.


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