

Musical Monday: Moulin Rouge! - Elephant Love Medley (#12).

[Every Monday, I'm going to be counting down my 52 favorite musical numbers from musical movies and TV shows. I might not like the full movie/show, but the number makes the list for various reasons: 1) I have to like the song, 2) the visual of how the number is performed is most likely unique or fun, 3) both song and visual mixes well to create an exciting or powerful number. So let's get to the next on the list.]

Some people love this movie. Some people hate it. Me? I love it. And while this particular song might not be my favorite in the movie (that'll be later on the list), I still love it, mostly because it is what it's titled--a medley. A bunch of love songs strung together into the ultimate love song... all coming to this epic crescendo with "I Will Always Love You."

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore this film. This medley is so lovely, makes love songs cool for once- sorta.
    Ewan McGregor should do more musicals.


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