

The Demented Podcast #27 - Outsourced To Sweden.

Today we're joined by Joel Burman of Deny Everything to discuss Neo-Westerns with Bad Day At Black Rock and The Good, The Bad, The Weird. It's an interesting set of conversations that go from marketing some brilliant ideas to having serious discussions about a Post-9/11 world. Warning that, as usual, spoilers are abound.

Then Joel gives us a Tower performance that we won't soon forget. But for what reasons? Listen to find out!

Also, stay tuned after the closing music for a little something special.

Current Tower Leaderboard
1) Dan - 164 Points
2) Steve - 133 Points
3) Tom - 105 Points
4) Jason - 101 Points
5) Scott - 97 Points
6) Alan - 86 Points

Current/Previous Battle Royale Champions
(BR2) Dylan Fields - 114 Points
(BR1) Rachel Thuro - 171 Points

You can listen to this episode on the player below or by subscribing through iTunes.

That being said, enjoy! Thanks goes out to Kevin MacLeod's Incompetech website for great, royalty-free music. And thanks to Google for helping me find a website that will give me free video game audio samples.


  1. Hey guys! It was great being on just a side note if they show is recorded the same time this week as when I was on there is not very much time for people to leave comments.

    I just thought I'd leave links to two of the lesser known films on my top 5 for a year list since people hopefully want to check them out.

    Andrey Rublov:
    Le Grande Bleu:

    Thanks again for having me on!

  2. Uh, why is my score not one the leaderboard? I didn't do THAT badly.

  3. Nick disqualified you for your Lamb MOTM chananigans on twitter yesterday. Hahahah

  4. Joel: It was great having you on! Yeah, we know the comments issue. Usually we record every other week, but we had to move it back a week this time.

    Jason: My bad! I updated it on the podomatic description, but not this one, or some reason. I'll fix that.

  5. I bow to Joel's awesomeness at The Tower!

    I didn't know there was a sub-genre called Neo-Westerns. Great discussion, but a western is still a western to me, and I say "no thanks."

  6. Oh no! My run is over! Congrats, Joel. That was an awesome performance, especially in the last round. Nice work and an excellent episode.

  7. Rachel: Thanks, I do have to admit that the stars were aligned this time. Normally I'm only good at 20questions when listening to other episodes and struggle like h*ll with the other levels.

    Dan: You'll have a chance to reclaim the top position in the Battle Royale. As I understood Nick we are both qualified for it.

  8. Just finished this one, running very behind on my podcasts!

    When I'm on, you have to do the same exact set of questions you asked Joel. No, seriously. I usually don't do very well playing along with the Tower, but this time I would've gotten almost everything. I wouldn't have gotten the Patterns one nearly as quickly, but you hemmed and hawed about the actor-director question enough that I guessed it then. :) It'll be just my luck to have all questions about movies I've never seen when I go through it. Seriously, though, nice job Joel on racking up a score I bet will stand for a long time!

  9. Jandy: Yeah the stars did align for me, I normally do terrible when I listen to others doing it. I went with the gut on Patterns and Show and Tell and I think thats the way to do it.

    In hind sight I of course should have managed to get the 20 questions one earlier. But 20 questions is way more stressful when doing it. I have screamed at people after 5-6 questions but the mind went blank this time and I think many can vouch for that too..

  10. Joel - True, it is much harder to come up with stuff like that on the spot. I had a gut feeling on the 20 Questions (also on the Show and Tell one), but if I'd been on the show, I might not've actually believed myself with only that little bit of information. I do bar trivia every week and there's always one question that's a person, and the trivia guy gives a series of five clues revealing more information about the person - we often guess the right person on the first or second clue, but rarely feel confident enough to lock in our answer until the third one. Then we kick ourselves for not going with our gut. :)


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