

Musical Monday: It's Not Over Yet & Zydrate Anatomy (#5 And #4).

[Every Monday, I'm going to be counting down my 52 favorite musical numbers from musical movies and TV shows. I might not like the full movie/show, but the number makes the list for various reasons: 1) I have to like the song, 2) the visual of how the number is performed is most likely unique or fun, 3) both song and visual mixes well to create an exciting or powerful number. So let's get to the next on the list.]

NOTE: Sorry about last week! I completely forgot to put this up thanks to a lot of busy-ness and writing of other things. So I'm putting #5 and #4 on this post to catch up. So here we go...

#5: A Very Potter Sequel - It's Not Over Yet

"What? Your #5 of all time is from an internet video and not an actual movie?" To that, I say... so what? To be fair, it's a hugely popular set of plays that stars Darren Criss who is now one of the stars of Glee (take that however you will). I've said many-a-time I love villain songs, as well as opening numbers. This just happens to be both. It's super catchy, and I'll listen to this song more than any other from either play. It's that fantastic... and meta (though... the entirety of both plays are incredibly meta... but still).

#4: Repo! The Genetic Opera - Zydrate Anatomy

It's my favorite song in the movie, and it's the song that got me interested in seeing the movie in the first place. It's catchy, it's fun, and it's just plain bizarre. It's Zydrate Anatomy. Unfortunately, I can't embed this video, so you'll have to go to a link. Click here.


  1. "Zydrate Anatomy" was the one song from REPO! I actually liked. Thanks for including it on the list. It was nice to listen to it again. :)

    And I really, really, really oughta just hanker down and watch these POTTER musicals, ha.

  2. Andy: Most people tend to like Zydrate Anatomy even if they don't like the movie. It's the most mainstream of the songs, really, and most like one you'd find in any other normal musical.

    As for the Potter musicals, definitely! They might be 3 hours long (or a little more), but they're worth it. The biggest problem with the first one is that they had sound problems and sometimes it's very hard to hear what they're saying due to laughing or cheering from the audience. I actually think the second one is better/funnier, but it references the first a lot in its jokes, so you still have to see the other one first.


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