

The Vlog - Season 4 Trailer.

It's that time again, ladies and gents! That's right, The Vlog is coming back. So you know what that means? We need a trailer! And I have one for you, ready to go. I said when I first started writing for this season that it was either going to be the greatest season possible or a complete disaster. Here's hoping for the former. I will say, though, that so far it's been the most complicated to put together. Anyway, you really don't get much plot from this trailer, but you do get some wacky antics. Unfortunately, it has part of a song that almost no video uploading site will let me use, so I was stuck with Vimeo.

I hope y'all enjoy it, and let me know what you think!

The Vlog - Season 4 Trailer. from Nicholas Jobe on Vimeo.


  1. Sweeet! I can't wait to be utterly confused by the plot yet totally engrossed by how shameless we all are. Some awesome antics coming right up!

  2. I actually don't think the plot is all THAT confusing this season. There's a kind of mystery, but that's it. Any confusion would come from the extreme levels of meta that exude from this year's story... and I wouldn't blame anyone if that happened.

  3. Wow! I can't wait to see how it all plays out! Especially Dylan's part, which I won't spoil if no one picked up on it.

    And Steve totally sounds like Sam Elliot. He just needs to say "The Dude" a lot.

  4. Awesome. Can't wait to see this play out.

  5. Looks quite intriguing... I'll try to follow this one closely.

  6. Jason: Dylan is rather great.

    Steve: Indeed!

    Joel: I hope you'll like it!

  7. Prepare to be Mindraped is the best tagline for anything ever.

  8. Tom: lol, hell yeah! Glad you like it.


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