

The Demented Podcast #31 - It's Frankenstein's Monster!

NOTE: Not sure why it hasn't shown up on the player yet... but it's available for download on iTunes and on the podomatic site... so if Ep 31 still hasn't shown up here, just check there.


I honestly can't believe I pulled it off (OK, maybe just a little). Let me give you some back story on "the episode that refused to exist." So our poor guest this week was Jessica from The Velvet Cafe. For those who do not know, Jessica is from Sweden, so the time difference is slightly trickier to play with when setting up a recording time. So a few days before we come to record, some issues arise on Jessica's end, and we have to reschedule. Finding a day/time takes us a while, but we settled on early Sunday morning.

So come Sunday morning, I wake up about 15 minutes prior to recording and try to log on to Skype... only to find out that Skype decided to have problems at that time and refused to let me on. We did later come to the conclusion that Skype was at fault and not my computer. So I ended up coming on about 20 minutes late. So we start the show... only to very quickly discover that Steve's internet connection totally blows. The following 45 minutes is agony as it takes us that long just to get TO the listener feedback/comments. There was a mixture of massive delays horrid audio, and even a few echoes here and there.

We finally come to the realization about 2 minutes into the discussion of the first film (after trying to record for almost an hour) that this isn't going to work. Our solution was this: I continue the show alone with Jessica, then Steve and I would meet up later in the week and record a mini-session discussing the films. I would then splice in (no pun intended) his audio with the main file at variable moments. It would take a lot of work on my part, but it was possible.

But then the day came... and now my connection turned to crap. I couldn't stay connected. The audio sucked half the time. Basically everything that was happening to Steve the first time through was happening to me this time. But we did get through it, somehow, and I ended up with about 2.5-3 hours of audio and 5 different audio files (plus a 6th for the opening segment of this episode which was recorded a week or more before we did the rest of it). And after 4 hours of non-stop editing, I pulled it off. I managed to create my own Frankenstein monster, Hodge-podge of an episode. And I think it actually turned out rather well! You can barely tell there were any audio problems at all... and hopefully the majority of the time the transitions into Steve's comments feel natural, as if he were there the whole time (since, you know, he wasn't). Even will all that description, I guess only Steve, Jessica, and myself will be the only ones to truly know the transformation of what I was given and what I'm giving you.

All of that being said... I hope you enjoy this episode. We discuss idea/moral-based Sci-Fi films with Silent Running and Splice. And then Jessica climbs the Tower. The last Swede to do so gave us our best score ever... so how will this one fare? Listen to find out!

Current/Previous Battle Royale Champions

(BR3) ? - ?
(BR2) Dylan Fields - 114 Points
(BR1) Rachel Thuro - 171 Points

You can listen to this episode on the player below or by subscribing through iTunes.

That being said, enjoy! Thanks goes out to Kevin MacLeod's Incompetech website for great, royalty-free music. And thanks to Google for helping me find a website that will give me free video game audio samples.


  1. Do I dare to listen to this? The thought of the tower makes me cringe... not to speak of how confused I was in our pretty much broken discussion. Anyway: it was really fun to join the party, so thanks for bringing me on!

  2. You should definitely listen (though it'll have to be through the podomatic link or an iTunes download since the player isn't functioning right now)! Glad to have you on.

  3. I want to say as the very tertiary participant in this episode...that Jessica is a true class act and has one of my new favorite blogs for the last few months.

    Jessica, I'd be willing to give this another shot in a future season, mainly because you have the attitude on movies that I wish I had.

  4. 100 bucks to the one who can find a loophole ín the Harry Potter question. =)


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