

The Vlog: Season 5, Episode 10 (Barry's Adventure - Part 2).

So, this episode has literally been months in the making. I basically wrote this season's Barry storyline around the fact Tom would be traveling across America. This is a long episode, and it's mainly awesome visuals (there are a couple story aspects tossed in here and there). That being said, I made each "segment" somehow movie-related (though one was Tom's idea). Your Challenge: Can you figure out all the references?

That being said, enjoy. Also... you might notice about a half-second mistake during the credits sequence near the start. Just ignore it. I'm not gonna go back and edit it out only to re-export and re-upload only to fix a half-second issue. And a special thanks to Tom for taking time out of his travels to take a bunch of awesome footage (and embarrass himself in public by wearing that hat).


  1. As an entertaining side note, on the day Tom, Jason and I were in Chicago, we found the Evil Dead II Necronomicon edition at a used DVD store.

  2. That was pretty damn cool - got to take Tom's trip with him!

    * No, I didn't get all of the references, though I sure as hell got the first two.

    * Why were Sebastian's lips moving before he said anything?

    * Big ups to Tom for wearing that ridiculous hat out in public so much. Filming himself while doing so only complicated that. No shame - love it!

    * That music/slow-mo for the "hacking" slays me.

    * Tom, I was reminded that we forgot to do those close-ups on you, but I'm glad to see that you had no issues doing them yourself. :D

    1. I'm pretty sure it's your computer. Sebastians audio sync is fine for me. Also, there was no slo-mo added to your hacking.

    2. Dude, my computer doesn't have the power to change YouTube videos. Watch it live. When Sebastian says the actual words, it syncs up, but his mouth is moving (with no words coming out) before that.

      My bad on the lack of slo-mo. I "misremembered." There is still the awesome music.

    3. It's just a confused lip quiver.

      And I was aiming at something more along the lines of maybe it was a lag or something in the connection.

  3. Oh thanks god. I was so worried that, even WITH all the public embarrassment of wearing that hat in public, the footage wouldn't be enough to turn into an episode. But it looks great!!! And seamless, which is pretty impressive given that I only sent you some of that footage like 24 before the ep went online. Great job Nick!!

    1. Yeah, it was tricky to make it into an episode. Thankfully I had the hat footage. And yeah, it was a rush getting it all together so quickly, but I think it turned out well. But next week is where shit starts goin' down!

      So anyway, Tom... now that you're caught up, what do you think of everything so far?

  4. Loved it! I really liked the silent episodes actually...and am super glad I didn't have to sing :P But this is definitely the most impressive season yet, both technically and narratively - so I'm really looking forward to how it all wraps up (and not just because I get to be a total badass in the next episode). And I hope I can get on the Season 5 commentary track, if there is one!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, this is easily my favorite season for multiple reasons, including the story and the narrative style. And it's funny that, as an editor, I'm learning so many tricks (especially in the next episode)... but it's taken me up to the final season to do so. :P

      Also, I am hoping to do another commentary track, so never fear! I'll definitely ask you to be on!


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