

The Vlog: Season 5, Episode 9 (Barry's Adventure - Part 1).

Have you been wondering where Tom Clift has been all season? Well, he's finally here! And I must say, of all the "regular" episodes of The Vlog (i.e. the random, non-story, segment type), this is one of my favorites. I basically asked Tom to just improv and this is what he gave me. Actually, he gave me much more. By the end, I had at least 10 minutes of footage (if not a little more). I had to scale back some clips (which you'll see in the bloopers) and put in some cuts here and there. I also added in some fun effects and cheesy borders (I might go into more detail about that on a future commentary). But anyway, here you go! I hope you enjoy!


  1. As someone who's tasted vegemite, I can probably tell you that probably didn't taste very good. But all of it was funny nonetheless! Good job, Tom!!

    1. Haha, yeah... Tom told me it was really disgusting, so his reaction at the end wasn't really that dramatized.

  2. SURPRISE COCKFACE! I'm in this season after all! And yes that sandwich was disgusting, so the reaction was was the hesitation beore eating it

    1. lol, the hesitation was my favorite part of the whole thing. I love it every time because of how sincere it is and how worried you really look.

  3. I think my favorite parts were when Tom made himself laugh and he sorta lost the Barry voice for a split-second.

    Awesome effects/borders, Nick.

    Oh, and I loved the connection between the two movies. Never would have thought of that!

    1. lol, I'm still not sure how Tom kept such a straight face through the entire thing.

  4. SOmehow I found that massively more entertaining now that I've met Tom and know how much made up madness is in there.


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