

The Vlog: Season 5, Episode 12 (An Epic Finale - Part 2) + Bloopers.

Here it is! It's the final episode of The Vlog! See what happens in all 20(-ish) glorious minutes! And don't forget to stay until the very end! It's like Lord of the Rings up in here with all the additional endings. Oh yeah, and you don't wanna miss the first ever sighting of one James Blake Ewing!

Once you finish with that, check out the bloopers and alternate and/or deleted scenes. There were so many I had to separate them by episode. Yes, this is actually longer than the finale itself. So enjoy!

Please comment and let me know what you think about everything down below!


  1. That....was bittersweet. I'm sad to see it go. I love the ending(s) and of course James. I can't express into words how I feel about this right now. I just want to say thanks to Nick for coming up with this entire thing and making this one of the best experiences I've ever done. And super special awesome job to EVERYBODY involved for their hard work. It was an honor to "work" with you. :)

    (Mushy moment over.)

  2. Just spent the last 45 minutes watching all this - wow!

    Great times. I will have fond memories of procrastinating my shooting until the very last minute, as well as all of the fun shots with others - I think I get the record for scenes with multiple (real) people.

    Of course, thanks to Nick as well. Now you have internets evidence of me dancing like a spazz (multiple times), doing my best/worst Nic Cage, doing the Joker as Nic Cage (or not), wearing women's clothing, etc. Enjoy.

    Oh, and great ending(s)!

    1. Thanks!

      As for the real people record, that's probably true. You have 3 with Kai and 1 with Tom. I have 1 with Rachel and Jess and 1 with you... though I was *there* for Tom and James, if that counts? (and all the Cokie stuff, but you did specify 'real'). :P But if you're counting each scene rather than just different people, then yeah, you hold that record.

      Glad you enjoyed it and all the times you've had.

    2. You counted your scene with me for yourself but not for me. :P

  3. That was epic and amazing. Definitely the last three episodes have had the best production value and editing BY FAR. And I love how it all came together with Jason forgiving really goes all the way back to episode 1!!!! And the bloopers were awesome

    1. Thank you!

      I agree--the last 2-3 episodes have had some of the best quality of the entire series. And yes, it does tie up all loose ends, from Jason to DPR. There's another connection in the final scene before the credits start rolling that I'll bring up in the commentary, since I doubt nobody is gonna pick up on it.

  4. Sniff... So much post show depression going on right now.

    It was so much fun doing all this jazz! Thanks to everyone who got involved and super duper insane thanks to Nick for facilitating all this cray bullshit! It was a real pleasure!

    Ha! 28 Days Later...

    Jason, why the hate in the outtakes? My method works!

    Well done all! Let's do it again... in a few years.

    1. lol, thanks and/or you're welcome.

      Also, I don't think Jason was hating on you. He was just wanting to do it, too, since it DOES work.

    2. Indeed it was a tribute. You seem to think I don't like you Sebastian. It's not true, I think you're awesome. Stop thinking so negatively :P

  5. 28 Days Later!!!

    I thought that would be my favorite part until I saw James staring lovingly at a tree while the Titanic theme played.

    Thanks so much for asking me to be a part of this, Nick. I got a lot of good times and quite a few memories out of it!

    1. No prob! And lol, yeah.... that James moment is so great. :P


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