

Musical Monday: Chicago - Mr. Cellophane (#23).

[Every Monday, I'm going to be counting down my 52 favorite musical numbers from musical movies and TV shows. I might not like the full movie/show, but the number makes the list for various reasons: 1) I have to like the song, 2) the visual of how the number is performed is most likely unique or fun, 3) both song and visual mixes well to create an exciting or powerful number. So let's get to the next on the list.]

Probably one of the more depressing songs on this list, but it always jumped out at me as a very strong song, even when I first saw this film in theater. But John C. Reilly (really, what happened to this guy's career?) nails this number. It's nothing fancy to look at, but it does have one amazing silhouette shot near the end--I believe it's used in the trailer, as well. But anyway, here's Chicago's Mr. Cellophane.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the better "stepping out of the plot to sing" moments. He really does give you a glimpse into his character. His dancing's not great, but that silhouette is terrific!


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