

The Vlog - S3.6: The Next Level.

Here's episode S3.6.

I'll be honest--I've put so much of this season on the Story Time episodes that I've worried that the regular episodes would suffer because of that. Thankfully, I think this week I've made a pretty solid non-Story Time episode for y'all. There's no real setup that you need for this one outside of knowing who Wrinkles is and that he's working with Rachel on some dastardly plan. Oh, and it assumes you've seen the previous episode in which Dylan impersonates Kai (and if you haven't, why the heck not? It's brilliant! Go see it. Now!).

So enjoy! This marks the halfway point in the season, as well. Only 6 more episodes left! Otherwise, let me know what y'all think of this one in the comments.

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